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15 dní

Pearson English Readers: Level 2 Marvel Ant-Man and the Wasp Book + Code

Marvel's Ant-Man and the Wasp Pack

Jane Rollason

nakladatel: Pearson Education, Pearson

vydána: 2021

Scott Lang is a loving father to Cassie, but he is also Ant-Man. When Avengers fought Avengers in Germany, he was there. He is now under arrest and cannot leave his home. But Hope - The Wasp - and her father have an important job for him … now. Can he leave his home and his daughter? The FBI are watching and will send him to prison. But can he really do nothing? Will Ant-Man fly again?

48 stran

jazyk: angličtina

ISBN: 9781292347455

Zdroj informací o knížkách: Obálky knih